Seventh Generation's Simple Winning Formula

Ever hear the phrase, “the simpler, the better”? You probably have, because in many cases it’s applicable. Whether it’s explaining a difficult task or making a meal quickly, the rule is usually relevant. What about for something that is already perceivably as simple as possible though? Something like soap?

In 1988 a small cleaning supplies company, Seventh Generation, launched in Vermont. As it reads in their mission statement, they aim to “inspire a consumer revolution that nurtures the health of the next seven generations.” It is easy to see where they got their name from. To accomplish their mission they had to reinvent something nearly as basic as wheat or water, and make it revolutionary. Contrary of what intuition would suggest; they went backwards to inspire their revolution. Instead of making the most advanced soap science could produce, they simplified their recipe. By reducing the number of synthetic chemicals in soap, and using more plant compounds, they were able to make an equally powerful and more natural soap.

Seventh Generation's Logo

In such a competitive market, however, Seventh Generation needed an edge in their marketing. They found that edge in understanding their own social and environmental responsibility before many other companies. Today, twenty-nine years later, Seventh Generation is an increasingly well known and well respected brand among American consumers. The company publishes an annual report on its environmental impact, and touts products that are 100% plant based with no synthetic material. Their commitment to social  and environmental responsibility has served as a role model to other companies. What does it mean to be socially and environmentally responsible though?

First, a company exists to generate profit for its shareholders. This duty is referred to as a profit responsibility, and is the first part of being a socially responsible company. In order for people to want to work for or with Seventh Generation, the company must be able to pay them. Seventh Generation appears to have no issue doing so, with its recent growth and growing popularity.

Second, companies have to consider stakeholder responsibility. Who’s involved and who is impacted? This could range from employees of Seventh Generation, to their customers, to the residents that live in their manufacturing areas, and to many others. To do this, Seventh Generation has attempted to be extremely transparent in their operations, disclosing their environmental impacts, connections with the community, and so on. In addition to this, they have encouraged the strengthening of communities, as well as given channels to customers to empower themselves by demanding to know what is in the products they buy using the hashtag, “#ComeClean.”

Protesters carrying signs with Seventh Generation's #ComeClean

Last, a company must accept a larger responsibility in caring for society as a whole. To do this, Seventh Generation has made sure to eliminate all synthetic compounds from its products to ensure their safety after they are disposed of, in addition to ingredients labels on each bottle. Some products are also certified as environmentally friendly, such as their laundry packs, which are EPA Safer Choice Certified. Their heavy focus on the environment and its relationship to society, gives them the ability to engage in a special kind of marketing, green marketing. Green marketing can be described as taking steps to create, develop, and recycle environmentally sensitive products. It can be an asset to companies, like Seventh Generation, because environmental responsibility is appealing to many younger adults, as well as some members of Generation X and Y.

Together, Seventh Generation’s exceptional understanding of social responsibility, and how it can be used as a powerful marketing tool has given it an advantage. It has created a unique image in consumers minds that Seventh Generation is company that is purely good. Seventh Generation products can be the responsible, hardworking, and safe cleaning partner for all consumers that tend to think a little bigger than themselves. It is this message that has allowed them to grow and attract an increasingly large customer base. For Seventh Generation, simple responsiblity coupled with a simple product, has been a simple winning formula.
